Films made using webcams

From AndelainFilms
(Redirected from Webcam)

I've made 6 films in category 'Webcam' with a total length of 1 hours and 5 minutes.

Film Image Description Minutes Creation Category Awards Reviews
Justice Finds a Way What will mild mannered Ben do when faced with blackmail? 10 10 April 2024 Webcam
The Eagle and The Owl (short edit) Can a con-man avoid getting involved with a gangster?

This is the 12 minute edit, you can see the full 18 minute edit at The Eagle and The Owl

12 19 June 2022 Webcam SoCo best film2023 Pending review
The Eagle and The Owl Can a con-man avoid getting involved with a gangster?

This is the full 18 minute edit, you can see the shorter 12 minute edit at The Eagle and The Owl (short edit)

18 6 June 2022 Webcam Review on file
Quiz Night A comedy about a random group of people coming together for an online quiz. 12 2 May 2021 Webcam
GopherChat Doesn't lockdown sometimes feel like Groundhog Day?

A couple get this feeling, day after day after day...

8 17 February 2021 Webcam Joint 1st RFVM 'Best of the Year' 2022, 3rd RFVM 'Comedy Competition' 2022
An Awkward Conversation A couple come together to have a conversation, but about very different things… 5 21 January 2021 Webcam