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From AndelainFilms
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- An Awkward Conversation
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- Animation films
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- Bob Simpson interview
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- Choose Your Wishes Wisely!
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- DevilCake
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- Films made by myself
- Films made using webcams
- Films made with RFVM actors
- Films made with external actors
- Films that have been reviewed
- Films that have won awards
- Frank Cupid’s Agency
- Frank Cupid’s Romance Assistance Agency
- Fun with Magnets
- GopherChat
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- How Politics Feels
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- Musical Fountains
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- StageStruck
- StageStruck Jackanory Style
- Stage Struck Jackanory Style
- StairWalker
- Stalker
- Sudden Death
- T is for Tension
- Test3min
- Test42
- The Eagle and The Owl
- The Eagle and The Owl (short edit)
- The Friend Zone
- The Intruder
- The Loser
- The Trouble With EMail
- The Vampire
- Three Cheers for Winnie the Pooh!
- Treasure Hunt!
- Vox Pop
- Vox Pop 2
- Wake Up!
- Webcam
- Where's Wally?
- …the making of…